Evondos 💜 Health care personnel is a week where we want to show appreciation for our customers and partners, and ...
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Evondos, the leading provider of automated medicine dispensing services in the Nordics, and Group Saltó, a Spanish ...
10 million pouches given, an incredible milestone! Thanks to our customers, thanks to our amazing team, and everyone ...
Evondos, the leading provider of automated medicine dispensing services in the Nordics, has secured a €42M loan from ...
Based on the feedback from our customers, Evondos has launched a new version of Assisted dispensing. Improvements have ...
Evondos services become truly Nordic, as the first medicine-dispensing robots and telecare services are implemented in ...
Arvika municipality has the most medicine dispensing robots counted per inhabitant in Sweden. The municipality and the ...
Municipalities and regions in Sweden face increasing challenges as the population grows and the proportion of the ...
“Together we are strong” is one of Evondos' values. “As a demonstration of that value and based on the feedback in the ...