Evondos services become truly Nordic, as the first medicine-dispensing robots and telecare services are implemented in cooperation with Icepharma to the residents in the City of Reykjavik’s home care services in November 2021. Stefanía Valentínusardóttir, 89 years old, is the first person in Iceland to receive the Evondos robot.
The Evondos services implementation is a collaborative project between the Reykjavík City Welfare Department and Icepharma where automatic dispensers are introduced in the homes of the Welfare Department's clients.
“We are happy to welcome Iceland and Reykjavik into the pioneering countries and municipalities in Nordics that use Evondos services. This is a big achievement for Evondos, since our service is now present in all Nordic countries”, says Eetu Koski, CEO of Evondos.
The introduction of the Evondos robots and services enable Icelandic home care clients to live longer in their homes, further supports their independence, improves the quality of the service, increases efficiency, and ensures individuals safe and correct medication delivery on time. The care organization can follow the client’s usage of the service to ensure that the medicine is taken.
“Now that the implementation has started, we can see straight away that it is saving time. Reykjavik have been able to take in new clients that have been on a waiting list for service”, tells Helga Dagný Sigurjónsdóttir, project manager at Icepharma.
The deployment of the first automatic medicine-dispensing robots in Iceland started in October. Icepharma supported Evondos with the localizations and translations of the user interface and the supporting documentations. Evondos provides 24/7 support for the care organization and services, and maintenance with Icepharma in Iceland.
Before choosing Evondos services the Icelandic team visited Evondos headquarters and factory in Salo and several municipalities that use Evondos services in Finland.
“When we visited Finnish municipalities, we learned about the home care clients’ freedom, independence, and good experiences using the Evondos service. We were also instructed not to underestimate the clients’ skills of using the robot since memory impairment in many cases is not a barrier”, comments Helga Dagný Sigurjónsdóttir from Icepharma.
Evondos offers services for patient-safe medicine management for home care. Using a medicine dispensing robot in the home enables a more independent life for the patient while helping them to take the medicine at the right time and the right dose. Evondos was founded in Finland and has subsidiaries in Sweden, Norway and Denmark and sales in Iceland.
According to the Financial Times, Evondos is one of the fastest growing companies in Europe and today serves more than 200 health districts in the Nordic countries. Evondos is a pioneer and leader in the automatic medicine dispensing field and as of now, also truly Nordic health tech company.
For more information, contact:
Eetu Koski
Chief Executive Officer