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Evondos Group Statement on Slavery and Human Trafficking

Evondos Group (hereinafter “Evondos” “We”) is a leading provider of Automatic Medicine Dispensing (AMD) solutions under Evondos® and Medido® brands. Evondos serves currently over 550 domiciliary care organizations, as well as, city councils and county councils primarily in the Nordic countries and in the Netherlands. Along with the current markets Evondos is constantly expanding its markets and fostering sustainable business growth.

Evondos Group structure is described below.

Evondos Group Company Structure

Evondos medicine dispensing robots are manufactured by Evondos Oy in Finland. Medido medicine dispensers are manufactured for Evondos Netherlands by a contract manufacturer located in Europe. We seek to ensure that components and materials used in our products as well as any outsourced services, come from socially responsible sources, vendors, and suppliers. We do not tolerate, contribute to, or facilitate any activity that fuels conflict or violates human rights.

Evondos is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and human rights. We recognize the abhorrent nature of slavery and human trafficking and acknowledge our responsibility to combat these egregious violations of human dignity and freedom.

We firmly oppose all forms of slavery and human trafficking, whether forced labor, bonded labor, child labor, or any other exploitative practices. We condemn the exploitation and coercion of individuals for labor or commercial sex purposes, and we are dedicated to preventing and addressing any instances of slavery or human trafficking within our supply chains, operations, or broader business activities.

To fulfill our commitment, we pledge to:

  • Comply with Laws and Regulations: We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to slavery and human trafficking in all jurisdictions where we operate. We will stay informed about legal requirements and work to ensure our practices align with these standards.

  • Implement Policies and Procedures: Evondos Oy is a member company of the Technology Industry Employers of Finland. The terms and conditions included in the collective agreement negotiated by Technology Industry Employers of Finland are binding on Evondos Oy and establish the good standards for employment. In countries where the collective agreement does not apply, we still adhere to local market practices regarding employment and wages. In addition, we have rigorous policies and processes in place to ensure fair and equal employment rights, wages, working hours, and protection against all forms of discrimination, including but not limited to harassment. These policies not only safeguard our staff but also establish the principles by which our staff must interact with third parties.

    We have established and will maintain robust policies and procedures aimed at preventing and addressing slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains as well. These measures encompass due diligence in supplier selection, contractual commitments by our suppliers to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, monitoring, and auditing processes.

    We consider the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking existing within our business to be low. If we become aware of a case of modern slavery occurring within our supply chain, we will work with the supplier to implement remedial actions within an agreed timeline. Any continued or material breach will carry the risk of termination of their engagement.

    Every employee has the right and responsibility to report suspected violations of the Evondos Code of Conduct without fear of reprisal according to applicable Evondos whistleblowing guidelines. Reporting is possible anonymously via our whistleblowing channel.
  • Raise Awareness and Train Employees: Introduction to Evondos Code of Conduct is part of the induction for every employee at Evondos Group. We educate our employees and stakeholders about the risks and indicators of slavery and human trafficking and provide training on how to identify, report, and address such issues effectively.

  • Provide Support and Remediation: In the unfortunate event that slavery or human trafficking is identified within our operations or supply chains, we will take immediate action to remedy the situation. We will provide support to victims and work diligently to address root causes and prevent recurrence.

  • Regularly Review and Improve: We are committed to continuous improvement in our anti-slavery and human trafficking efforts. We will regularly review our policies, procedures, and practices as well as risk assessments, seeking feedback from relevant stakeholders, and implementing necessary enhancements to strengthen our approach.

Main Steps we have taken during our 2023 financial year

Evondos Code of Conduct has been updated, whistleblowing channel has been implemented and whistleblowing guidelines have been drafted and approved by the Evondos Group board. All our staff across countries where Evondos Group operates have received training on this topic.


Over the next 12 months Evondos aims to:

  • Roll-out the Supplier Code of Conduct for Evondos Netherlands’ Supply Chain


This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 with respect to the financial year ending 31 December 2023. It will be reviewed and updated on the annual basis.

This statement is Approved by Evondos Group board on 22nd of August 2024 and signed by Niklas Savander, Chairman of the board.